Nominal Shipping Charges are applicable as per the weight of the package and delivery location. FREE SHIPPING across the world or at select locations, is ONLY available during certain festive offers, discount sales and deals. You will be able to view applicable shipping charges on the product page, before you buy a product, by selecting your place of delivery.

Enhancing User-experience at every step…

Customs duty, whenever and wherever applicable, shall have to be borne by the customer only. Customs charges are not a part of purchase. It may vary sharply from place to place.

  1. Secure Shipping:
    We will share your personal information under below following situations only:
    We are committed to ensure, that your favorite merchandise reaches you well in time, in an entirely secure way – we ship through reputed courier agencies only. Our highly reliable and trustworthy logistics partners and shipping agents help and ensure a seamless and secured delivery process.
  2. Perfect Packaging
    We ensure excellent and secure packaging of all the products shipped by us, so that you get your garments/ purchases in perfect condition. However, if you ever receive your parcel in a tampered condition, we request you to first take a few clear pictures of the tampered package, before opening it further. Please mail these images to at the earliest, mentioning order details. We will try our best to resolve the issue, if possible.

    We try our best to ensure that your order reaches your doorstep in minimum 7 -10 days from your placing the order with us.
  4. Delivery:

    Once an Order is placed and the Payment is confirmed – the product enters its delivery cycle. An ordered product may or may not be available at our warehouse, when an order is placed. Thus, some products may enter the procurement process upon order.

    Upon procurement, a product undergoes several quality checks – and finishing processes (as required) – and may go for customization/ stitching/ final fitting (as per the product type/ customer order). Post this, the order is dispatched and shipped to the destination. Your Shipping Address = Destination.

    The Dispatch Time – visible on the product page, when you buy – refers to the time when we will dispatch an ordered product from our offices to your shipping address/ destination.

    The Delivery Time – Once a product is dispatched from our end, it is handed over to our shipping agents, who ensure that it is delivered to the destination in time.